Big Guy Tri

Member of 2011 Team Marathon® Bar



6/5/11 - Little Miami Triathlon with CancerFree Kids Courage Crew
6/11/11 - Cincinnati Reds Community Foundation Redlegs Run 10K with three60gear
7/4/11 - Colerain Spectacular 5K: One Year Anniversary of my first 5K Run
8/21/11 - Great Buckeye Challenge Sprint Triathlon
9/17/11 - Hudy 14K Run with Hark & Melch
10/2/11 - Little Miami Triathlon (Fall)
10/23/11 - Solutia Rock 'n' Roll St. Louis Half Marathon
11/24/11 - 102nd Thanksgiving Day Race

Becoming BigGuyTri: 
How I changed my life from top to bottom

one man's journey
In the fall of 2009, I started making changes to my life that would snowball into a life transformation. I wanted to be the best husband, father, friend, employee, and person that I could be. There are three distinct topics that make up the core of this change: my mental/spiritual health, my nutritional choices, and my athletic development. These three pillars have helped me to develop and live a life of which I am very proud.

My hope is that this website will serve as a reference and inspiration to those who are trying to break through their own walls. My vision is that it will be a source of information and support, as well as a place for me to record some thoughts and history.

Thank you for stopping by and thank you for your patience while it's being constructed. if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please click here and fill out the contact form.

"Big Papa" Jon Meyer
